Our Courses

Which Course?

Not sure which course? Fundamentals or a private is the place to start! Feel free to call one of the team who will discuss with you, your personal aims and objectives and identify the best way forward.


Intermediate - Advanced riders

Get the fundamentals strong and everything will follow.

Flow Trails, Jumps and Berms

Strong Intermediate - Advanced riders

Focused purposeful practice using the terrain to gain speed, jump and rail berms.

Technical terrain and drops

Advanced riders

Think steep gnarly rocky terrain.

Jumps and drops

This course is very specific! It is not one we run often, as we generally focus on a broader breadth of skills… however, sometimes you just need lots of practice in various scenarios to build your knowledge base up.

Road to enduro

The Road to Enduro course has one purpose - to make you a more confident and skilled rider in various types of terrain.

 Private sessions

In our private sessions we can taylor our course content entirely to suit your needs. We will work you to develop your own understanding to guide your progression long beyond the course.

Need some help or advice?

If you can't find a course to suit your requirements - feel free to drop us a line and we can put some plans together or offer you some straight forward advice.