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Movie Night, Wednesday the 18th February 6.30pm till 9.00pm

We have said it before we will say it again there is so much talent in Sheffield not only for riding but for film makers!

ALine Coaching has has been granted access to the Hallam Universitys Void Cinema again. Thanks you so much Hallam!!!! Whoo Hooo

Theres been a big shift in recent years with the movement from films to internet edits. Whilst this is great for access its a bit rubbish for the film makers editing on their own and posting on the internet. We would really like to see film makes having the chance to share their new creations with a groups of like minded people on the big screen!

So come on down bring your edits and watch a load more! Pros, amateurs and every where in between all welcome! 

If you cant get here on time, don't worry get down when you can and bring your heckle!


Start 6.30pm

Sprung 4:- Classic, Alex Rankin changed the face of MTB movies with his sprung series, this is the final and some may say the best.


The peoples edits, for many of us the highlight of the night.

Approx. 8.30pm (depending on edits length)

Earthed 1

This was the first of the later series from Alex Rankin. Instant classic and marked the start of another level of professionalism (read budget) in his work with just the right amount of nonsense.

If you can make it and fancy coming on down, post up below in the comments! If you have an edit you would like to bring, we would like to see it! 

If you have any requests for future movie showings, post up ! 

Location Owen building by Arundel gate, glass front opposite Sainsburys !

Hope to se some of y'all there!